Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Yes, I Herd You. Now Say Cheeeese!

Sometimes animals can be quite uncooperative when you're trying to capture a good photo. We see adorable, funny, crazy, humorous, endearing, beautiful, bizarre, and other picturesque things all the time -- but having the camera out and ready for it all at all times is a bit of a challenge!

We affectionately refer to these guys as "the pasture animals": Paisley and Lomi are llamas, Mole' is an alpaca, and Loki and Thor are Nigerian Dwarf goats. If I'm lucky I may capture half of them in one shot, with maybe 1 or 2 of them looking in the direction of the camera. Yesterday when I got home they were all hanging out together in a nice huddle. Quick: grab the camera!! Time for a family portrait:

It turns out herding dogs really can herd! We had three border collies visiting for the afternoon. They were lounging in a pen not far outside their pasture. Since I didn't witness their earlier interaction during the day, I'm not sure if these guys were just being reserved and semi-cautious by huddling together and keeping an eye on the new visitors (usually everyone is a Curious George around here about whatever is going on!), or if they instinctively knew they were supposed to stand together as a herd by whatever communication they received from the visiting working dogs. It is so fascinating to watch different animals interact and communicate with one another!

I also happened to catch Lomi stealing a kiss from Paisley! 


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