Saturday, August 25, 2018

WHO is Out There?

Last night we were trying to get through the rest of a TV show episode we were streaming on Hulu before bedtime when I heard our ducks quacking outside. I paused the TV for a better listen. Sure enough, Aslan, who was inside (downstairs), also heard them and let out one of his barks alerting us that he knew something was up outside that should probably be investigated.

Usually, it's a clear sign there is a potential predator in the vicinity when all your ducks stand up like bowling pins!

Sam let Aslan outside while looking around the surrounding area with the spot light, but she couldn't see any other signs of unwelcome visitors. Lately, we've had coyotes making an appearance on our property, so that is currently our usual first guess.

The air also had a particular eeriness about it. Earlier in the day the skies had finally cleared up from the smokey wildfire apocalyptic haze we had been experiencing for the last week or more. Now suddenly, this evening, thick smoke had rolled back in again with the winds. I considered the ducks could just be feeling a bit edgy by the strange weather patterns. 

After Sam came back in and I heard the ducks still announcing their general unsettlement, I grabbed the light and tried to peer out the window myself. I spotted something perched on the fence down below, several feet from the ducks' enclosure. "It's an owl!" I exclaimed, with a hint of excitement in my voice. I grabbed my phone and hurried down to the front porch, hoping I could get close enough to capture it on (digital) film before my presence might scare it off. 

For the most part owls likely aren't a real predatory threat for most of our animals. They are probably more interested in mice, rats, moles, etc. Our youngest (i.e. smallest) birds aren't yet free ranging unattended outside their enclosure. Currently everyone was locked up securely for the night, anyway. I didn't envision an owl taking the time to try its hand at breaking and entering. However, this doesn't mean the ducks themselves didn't have a right to feel a bit agitated and uncertain about this silent nighttime visitor. 

Here are a few photos I was able to snap. It looks like it was a Barred Owl (determined after I later Googled it). I was so enamored by the absolute and exquisite beauty of this creature. I believe some of that perceived beauty is likely enhanced by the certain mystique that comes from often remaining hidden from human sight under cover of night. 

I am so pleased the photos turned out in spite of being taken at night, in the dark! (Taken with the Google Pixel 2 for anyone who may be wondering...) I was also able to capture some video so that you'll be able to witness some of the owl's actual movement. Be sure to watch for the part where it flies over to land on another portion of the fence if you'd like to see it in flight. Otherwise, just watching the head turns and bobs and tilts is both adorable and awesome. 

Finally, here are a couple of shots I captured of the moon above our woods on this smokey, windy night:

Just another night here at Pure Amusement Farm -- where there is always something going on!

Monday, August 20, 2018


We can usually find one of our buff orpington chickens, Daffodil, running loose all around our property. We try to keep the chickens contained to a certain portion of the yard so they don't destroy all of our plants up by the house. However, Daffy is a little on the small side in comparison to our other hens, so she is still light enough to fly out over the fence and roam freely whenever she wants--in the backyard, the front yard, the horse pen, the side pasture....pretty much everywhere. No wonder she stays so trim! 

Daffodil by the cedars
Daffodil helping with yard work 
Daffy and Jax by the wood pile
Daffy trying to blend in with the ducklings
Daffy checking out the new chicks, with Aslan supervising
For the most part, Daffodil finds enough to keep herself occupied without wreaking havoc in our gardens, so we enjoy letting her run free. She is a friendly but independent spirit. While she's out and about she often tries to dine with our ducks. We couldn't figure out why they always seem to back away and run off whenever our sweet Daffy unassumingly strolls up and invites herself to breakfast. 

Hey guys, wait for me!

Now, here's a short (10 seconds) video I captured this past week of Daffy trying to pal around with her duck mates. Be sure to turn up the volume and you'll hear my surprise when I discover our sweet little Daffy may not be as innocent as we thought! 

Friday, August 17, 2018

Mallard Pole Position

Because we have a pond and several seasonal bogs on our property, we end up with a lot of wild water fowl visitors. Mallards, herons, wood ducks, and several other varieties will pop in from time to time. Sometimes they will stay awhile before moving on. Some just pop in for a day or two. 

Over time, however, our poultry feed bill has gone up as some of the ducks have learned where to find the "free food." They come up from the pond and line up outside the chicken pen and wait for us to put out the chicken feed. (Our own domestic ducks will chase them away if they try to compete for their feed.) 

So, the horse pen often has a line-up of wild ducks patiently waiting to race up to the feed pans as soon as we put the food out for our chickens. 

Sometimes I try to chase them away so our chickens can enjoy their meal in peace, but it's a bit of a lost cause. Even Aslan now considers them not-a-threat. At least he does still try to ward off the larger birds like herons, eagles, hawks, etc. 

Sometimes we'll get a young duck that gets trapped somewhere or separated from the rest of its family. Just this week I rescued one that Jax was cornering back in our cedars. I walked her back over to the pond on the opposite side of our yard where she quickly rejoined one of her companions. 

We love all the ducks! 💗

Sunday, August 12, 2018

Saturday Night Llama Fever

This week our two llamas, Lomi and Paisley, were sheared. Since it's late in the season, we discussed with the shearer what kind of cut they should get in order to not leave them too cold as we begin to approach fall/winter. She suggested leaving some of the fiber on their legs, so that it will add some extra warmth when they are laying down.

Camelids typically fold their legs up underneath their body when they lie down (called cushing). Here's an example:

Look Ma, no legs! 
So, essentially, leaving the fiber on their legs provides a nice wool blanket of sorts to curl up with.

Lomi and Paisley are suri llamas, which means they have a type of fiber that hangs down in free-flowing locks from their body. So, after being sheared, Lomi looked like he was sporting some super-cool bell bottoms.

Look at that flair when he walks:

In fact, we found it a bit reminiscent of John Travolta, circa 1977. Check out this video clip -- and don't forget to turn your volume up!

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Oh deer! And other creatures great and small...

Tonight as I was arriving home from work, I stopped to unlock the gate at the end of our driveway. I glanced up in astonishment to see a deer grazing freely in our yard, about 15 or 20 yards inside our gate. Not surprised to see a deer--we see them practically everyday around here. But with Aslan around, we usually see them OUTSIDE the fence of our main yard. It took me a split second for my eyes to adjust to the sight before I realized, "Oh! That's Mole'!" With his recent haircut (shearing) he looks so much like a deer!

I can never fully anticipate what I might encounter in my driveway when I get home. Sometimes it's like my own drive-through animal park--and I don't even have to pay admission! 

Here's a little glimpse at some of today's welcome wagon:

Lomi and Mole cruisin' in the yard

Lomi on the driver's side now
Some ducks and chickens running up to greet me

Aslan watching over chickens and ducklings

Baloo standing at his greeting corner

Horse hugs, brown side

Gotta get the white side, too!