Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Top Picks from Sam

Today Sam forwarded me a bunch of old photos from her phone that reflect a collection of some of her favorites over the past couple of years.

L to R: Paisley, Lomi, and Molé
We call this one The Three Amigos. This was taken a couple of years ago, shortly after our camelids had their first haircuts. Paisley and Lomi are llamas, and MolĂȘ is an alpaca that we rescued.

They are due for haircuts again now. We'll have to post an updated photo after this year's cuts.

Next up, is a photo of Jax, our polydactyl cat. Usually his front paws look like adorably cute little white mittens. But, as you can see, having extra toes also means he has extra scratching power. Thankfully, I was wearing jeans when he considered my leg might make a good scratching post!

This one is also one of my favorite Denali photos. To me, it just screams "Meme Generator!" I will have to figure out if there is a way to embed a meme generator directly in a blog.

I would love to see what you all come up with:

This is Falcor (any Neverending Story fans out there?). She is Sam's blue and gold macaw. She says, "Hello?" when the phone rings, and enjoys talking about apples and bananas (especially bananas! I guess when you stop and think about it, it is kind of a fun word to say...). "Mmmm good!" she says. I also have to admit, it is pretty awesome having birds that laugh at your jokes.

Last year we had baby ducklings for the first time. Actually, Sam has had them in the past...but it was my first time raising them. Oh. My. Gosh! Most baby animals are cute, but ducklings have to rank pretty high in my top favorites! Especially when they start pitter pattering around--they are like tiny bowling pins waddling around with miniature duck feet! We hatched three baby ducks last year. These are the baby pictures of Patches, Zippy, and Leon

Peep! (Translation: Quack!)
Chillin' in Sam's lap after breakfast
 Finally, here's another series featuring Denali. Just another one of those days when she was rolling around on the kitchen floor acting silly.

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