Yesterday evening I was crouched down tending to our magpie ducklings when I looked up just in time to see one of our white-crested polish chicks fly straight up out of the bathtub to land directly on my head. "Well, this is a first!" I thought to myself. It was Meriwether, of course--our chief poultry explorer. Luckily, I happened to have my phone in my back pocket and was able to slowly reach for it and snap a photo to help document Meriwether's first flight to my noggin.
I say "first" flight, because it happened again this morning! When I opened the slider to peek in on the chicks and check on their food and water supply, Meriwether looked up and our eyes locked for one split second before my head once again became a helipad for Polish Airways. "This is going to be a very strange relationship," I laughed to myself. But I love it! I did have one small request: "Please don't poop on my head!"
So, this afternoon, I tried to have the film rolling just in case it happened again. Sure enough, Meriwether took flight once again--but at least this time my head was spared.